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2023.02.14 Dr. Konagaya Ida Yumi
Postdoctoral Associate, Weill Cornell Medical College, USA

2023.02.14 Dr. Konagaya Ida Yumi
Postdoctoral Associate, Weill Cornell Medical College, USA

A state of partial Rb inactivation and intermediate E2F activation safeguards proliferation commitment

Time :February 14, 2023 (Tue) 15:30-16:30

Venue :Seminar Room, Building F, Faculty of Medicine

2023.01.17 Dr. Jan M Skotheim (Professor, Stanford University, USA)

2023.01.17 Dr. Jan M Skotheim (Professor, Stanford University, USA)

How cells coordinate growth and division

Time :January 17, 2023 (Tue) 16:30-17:30

Venue :Small conference room, First floor, Science Frontier Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine

2023.01.20 Dr.Ichiro Hiratani (Laboratory for Developmental Epigenetics, RIKEN BDR)

2023.01.20 Dr.Ichiro Hiratani (Laboratory for Developmental Epigenetics, RIKEN BDR)

Unraveling the dynamic 3D genome architecture through single-cell DNA replication profiling

2022.12.16 Prof. Shinya Tsukiji (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

2022.12.16 Prof. Shinya Tsukiji (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

Chemical biology tools based on designer organelle-targeting molecules

2022.11.18 Prof. Kazuya Kikuchi (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University)

2022.11.18 Prof. Kazuya Kikuchi (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University)

Design, synthesis and in vivo application of chemical imaging probes

2022.10.31 Prof. Martin Booth (Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford)

2022.10.31 Prof. Martin Booth (Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford)

Adaptive optics for deep imaging in super-
resolution microscopy

2022.09.02 Tetsuro Hirose (Osaka University)

2022.09.02 Tetsuro Hirose (Osaka University)

Intracellular architecture by noncoding RNAs

2022.8.5 Takanari Inoue (Professor, Johns Hopkins University)

2022.8.5 Takanari Inoue (Professor, Johns Hopkins University)

Identifying the missing link between skeleton and skin: Pacsin2/Syndapin2 regulates cell motility via dynamically instable subcellular organization

2022.7.22 Katsuhiko Shirahige (Tokyo Univ.)

2022.7.22 Katsuhiko Shirahige (Tokyo Univ.)

Regulation of transcription elongation by Cohesin -Beyond loop extrusion and enhancer-promoter interaction-

2022.6.10 Yulong Li(Peking University)

2022.6.10 Yulong Li(Peking University)

Spying on neurolipid and neuropeptide dynamics by constructing new genetically-encoded sensors

2022.5.20 Shinji Takada (National Institutes of Natural Sciences)

2022.5.20 Shinji Takada (National Institutes of Natural Sciences)

Wnt-mediated community effect in the maintenance of neuromesoderm progenitor cell population

2022.4.28 Kunio Matsumoto (Professor, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University)

2022.4.28 Kunio Matsumoto (Professor, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University)

Cyclic peptide-based discovery of neobiologics targeting growth factor signaling

2021.12.3 (Invited) Sungrim Seirin-Lee (ASHBi and KUIAS, Kyoto University)

2021.12.3 (Invited) Sungrim Seirin-Lee (ASHBi and KUIAS, Kyoto University)

Mathematical challenges to biology and medicine unraveling from geometry and pattern

2021.11.19 Yasushi Okada (The University of Tokyo & RIKEN BDR)

2021.11.19 Yasushi Okada (The University of Tokyo & RIKEN BDR)

Super-resolution live cell imaging and beyond

2021.10.29   Takayuki Kato (Osaka University)

2021.10.29 Takayuki Kato (Osaka University)

Structural analysis of biological samples by cryoEM

2021.09.24  Makoto Arita (Keio University and RIKEN)

2021.09.24 Makoto Arita (Keio University and RIKEN)

linking lipids and disease: Making the connection between lipid metabolism and tissue homeostasis

2021.06.25 Guillaume Charras (University College London)

2021.06.25 Guillaume Charras (University College London)

Dissecting the mechanical forces shaping cells and tissues

記事の詳細を入力してください。 伝えたいメッセージや注目すべきポイントを書いて、 訪問者の興味を惹きつけましょう。

2021.05.28 Fumitaka Osakada (Nagoya University)

2021.05.28 Fumitaka Osakada (Nagoya University)

Cell-type-specific targeting strategies with viral vectors in non-transgenic animals

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2021.04.30 Kazuhiro Aoki (Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems (ExCELLS))

2021.04.30 Kazuhiro Aoki (Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems (ExCELLS))

Optogenetic control of cell-cycle machinery

記事の詳細を入力してください。 伝えたいメッセージや注目すべきポイントを書いて、 訪問者の興味を惹きつけましょう。

2019.12.20 Kazunobu Sawamoto (Nagoya City Univ)

2019.12.20 Kazunobu Sawamoto (Nagoya City Univ)

Neuronal migration: strategies for development, maintenance and repair of the postnatal brain

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2019.12.24 Chii Jou Chan (EMBL Heidelberg)

2019.12.24 Chii Jou Chan (EMBL Heidelberg)

Mechanochemical feedback control in mammalian blastocyst patterning

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2019.11.29 Heath Johnson (Princeton Univ)

2019.11.29 Heath Johnson (Princeton Univ)

Optogenetic dissection Erk-dependent cell fates during embryogenesis

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2019.11.29 Kenjiro Kosaki (Keio Univ Hospital)

2019.11.29 Kenjiro Kosaki (Keio Univ Hospital)

Learning Biologic Insights from Patients with Undiagnosed Diseases

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2019.10.25 Mitsuru Morimoto (RIKEN BDR)

2019.10.25 Mitsuru Morimoto (RIKEN BDR)

Lung development in single cell resolution

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2019.09.27 Paul Timpson (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)

2019.09.27 Paul Timpson (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)

Seeing is believing: using intravital (in vivo) imaging and biosensors to guide therapy

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2019.09.25 Gregg L. Semenza (Johns Hopkins Univ)

2019.09.25 Gregg L. Semenza (Johns Hopkins Univ)

Regulation of Oxygen Homeostasis by Hypoxia-inducible Factors

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2019.09.27 David Croucher (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)

2019.09.27 David Croucher (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)

New strategies for precision cancer medicine through mathematical modelling of signalling pathways

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2019.08.22 Yukako Nishimura (Mechano Biology Institute, Singapore)

2019.08.22 Yukako Nishimura (Mechano Biology Institute, Singapore)

細胞接着構造を制御する メカノシグナルネットワーク

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2019.07.10 Bruce J. Mayer (Univ Connecticut)

2019.07.10 Bruce J. Mayer (Univ Connecticut)

Using SH2 domains to profile cell signaling and cancer

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2019.06.26 Yuri Korchev (Imperial College London)

2019.06.26 Yuri Korchev (Imperial College London)

Scanning ion conductance microscopy of living cell

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2019.06.26 Yasufumi Takahashi (Kanazawa Univ)

2019.06.26 Yasufumi Takahashi (Kanazawa Univ)

Nanoscale live cell imaging using scanning probe microscopy

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2019.05.17 Edouard Hannezo (IST Austria)

2019.05.17 Edouard Hannezo (IST Austria)

Bulk actin dynamics drives active phase segregation in zebrafish oocytes

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2019.05.17 Otger Campas (UCSB)

2019.05.17 Otger Campas (UCSB)

Sculpting the vertebrate body axis

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2019.04.19 Kosuke Yusa (Kyoto Univ)

2019.04.19 Kosuke Yusa (Kyoto Univ)

Development and application of genome-wide CRISPR screening

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2019.03.15 Yoshihiro Hayakawa (Toyama Univ)

2019.03.15 Yoshihiro Hayakawa (Toyama Univ)

Regulatory function of natural killer cells in cancer-associated inflammation

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2019.01.08 Yasuhiro Sawada (National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities)

2019.01.08 Yasuhiro Sawada (National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities)

Molecular Basis for "Exercise Is Medicine" - Local Cyclical Compression Modulates Macrophage Function In Situ and Alleviates Immobilization-Induced Muscle Atrophy

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2018.12.14 Hiroyasu Kidoya (Osaka Univ)

2018.12.14 Hiroyasu Kidoya (Osaka Univ)

Structural and Functional Dynamics of Tumor Vasculature

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2018.12.12 Wataru Ikeda (KAN Research Institute, Inc.)

2018.12.12 Wataru Ikeda (KAN Research Institute, Inc.)

Intravital imaging techniques using two-photon laser scanning microscope for various disease models

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2018.12.07 Norio Amizuka (Hokkaido Univ)

2018.12.07 Norio Amizuka (Hokkaido Univ)

Morphological assessment of the biological function of osteocytes

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2018.12.28 Maria Carla Parrini (Institute Curie, France)

2018.12.28 Maria Carla Parrini (Institute Curie, France)

Down-stream oncogenic Ras: the crucial role of the neglected RalB pathway in triggering cancer invasion

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2018.11.02 Hisayo Fukuda (Kansai Medical University)

2018.11.02 Hisayo Fukuda (Kansai Medical University)

Exocyst Dynamics During Vesicle Tethering and Fusion

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2018.10.19 Toshifumi Inada (Grad School Pharm Sci, Tohoku Univ)

2018.10.19 Toshifumi Inada (Grad School Pharm Sci, Tohoku Univ)

Molecular mechanism and physiological significance of quality controls by ribosome dynamic modification

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2018.10.09 Ken Takiyama (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

2018.10.09 Ken Takiyama (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

機械学習の初歩の初歩(線形回帰)と身体運動科学への応用 など

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2018.10.12 研究集会『メカノバイオロジー研究を学ぶ, 2018』

2018.10.12 研究集会『メカノバイオロジー研究を学ぶ, 2018』

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2018.09.21 Haruhiko Siomi (Keio University)

2018.09.21 Haruhiko Siomi (Keio University)

Transposon regulation in germ line development

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2018.08.01 Hiroyuki Kato (UNC Neuroscience Center)

2018.08.01 Hiroyuki Kato (UNC Neuroscience Center)

Inhibitory circuits underlying sensory tuning of cortical neurons

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2018.08.24 Tomohiro Ishizu and Tsutomu Ozawa (Hamamatsu Photonics)

2018.08.24 Tomohiro Ishizu and Tsutomu Ozawa (Hamamatsu Photonics)

Imaging seminar - The PMT -

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2018.07.27 Edouard Hannezo (IST, Austria)

2018.07.27 Edouard Hannezo (IST, Austria)

A unifying theory of branching morphogenesis

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2018.06.15 Minoru Yoshida (CSRS, RIKEN)

2018.06.15 Minoru Yoshida (CSRS, RIKEN)

Chemical Epigenetics

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2018.05.08 Sakda Daduang (Khon Kaen University)

2018.05.08 Sakda Daduang (Khon Kaen University)

Basic Information about Some Protein Components in Arthropod's Venom

2018.05.29 Ryohei Yasuda (Max Planck Florida Institute)

2018.05.29 Ryohei Yasuda (Max Planck Florida Institute)

Biochemical signaling in single dendritic spines: implications for synaptic plasticity, learning and memory

2018.05.11 Rolf Bodmer (The Burnham Institute)

2018.05.11 Rolf Bodmer (The Burnham Institute)

Congenital and lipotoxic heart disease gene discovery using Drosophila

2018.05.11 Karen Ocorr (The Burnham Institute)

2018.05.11 Karen Ocorr (The Burnham Institute)

From Arrhythmias to Space Travel – Insights from the Fly Heart

2018.04.20 Atsushi Mochizuki (RIKEN; Kyoto University)

2018.04.20 Atsushi Mochizuki (RIKEN; Kyoto University)

Dynamical behaviors of complex biological systems determined from structure of networks

2010.10.12 Yutaka Komura (Kyoto Univ)

2010.10.12 Yutaka Komura (Kyoto Univ)

Feeling of Knowing or Unknowingの分岐機序

記事の詳細を入力してください。 伝えたいメッセージや注目すべきポイントを書いて、 訪問者の興味を惹きつけましょう。


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